Health Insurance Woes

Things about unemployment that frighten me: complete lack of health insurance
Things about graduation that are exciting to me: freedom from student health insurance

I’m having trouble this morning reconciling these two emotions. The dream is that I manage to garner some form of gainful employment that comes with benefits, so the first item ceases to be a concern. But, like I said – it’s a dream (for the present). However, despite this looming fear of being uninsured, I long for the days when I’m actually permitted to see someone with an MD after their name without a referral. Student health insurance is a joke. Not only does it cost a small fortune (for a supposed PPO) but the coverage is shoddy at best.

This morning I visited the student health center for what I hope is one of the last times. It turns out I was right, I have a minor ear infection. Its rather uncomfortable. Of course, I could just be a big gigantic baby and be making a fuss over something that isn’t really that bad. I never had ear infections in my youth. This is probably my second ear infection ever, in life. It hurts and I don’t like it. The friendly nurse practitioner (not my usual nurse practitioner because when you make a last minute appointment you don’t get to express preference as to whom you’re willing to see) told me I could just tough it out, and that it would resolve itself in a few days. No meds.

I tried to reiterate the “but it really, really hurts” line without sounding like a small child throwing a tantrum. I am not sure I succeeded, as I walked away to pay my $20 co-pay with no prescription in hand. Perhaps I should have re-emphasized just how hard it is to concentrate on anything when half your face is in pain.  And, unfortunately, I don’t think he was empathetic to my plight as a law student. So, I was sent packing and told to come back if it was still bothering me at the end of the week. And, because of how crappy student health insurance works I can’t really get a second opinion before then.

End result: I am crankier than I was when I went to sleep last night. And this is an unfortunate way to spend April Fools’