
I started this blog out of spite. Yes – to spite someone. Someone who condescended to suggest that I wasn’t capable of writing and that I might need to “discover” whether or not writing was something I would actually like. Because explaining that I enjoy creative writing, that I do it often and actively, and that I am a writer was evidently not sufficient to determine whether or not I would enjoy it as a daily activity or possible future career.

He suggested that I should get a day job, implying heavily I would never be successful in the industry.* Why did this person make these suggestions? I don’t know for sure – but the only discernible factor that seemed to be influencing his attitude was that I am a woman.

Didn’t you know women can’t write? We’re not funny. And we should all get day jobs. He might as well as told me to get in the kitchen and make him a sandwich.Well, here’s your sandwich sir – a revenge filled ruben on rye with a side of stubborn determination. What’s that, did you say your sandwich is cold? Good.

But, more on point, this blog is a forum for me to accomplish two things: (1) share my  musings about life to help retain sanity and (2) share the resources and job opportunities I discover with the internet. I call it good job-hunting karma. And the universe knows that graduating 3Ls need all they can get in this market.

*I should specify that he meant the entertainment industry, lawyering on the other hand he seemed to think I could be successful at.

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