Productive Monday?

I had originally intended today to be a sort of 1 day mini-break complete with a day-trip to northern Maryland to visit family. But when I woke up this morning I was just too. damn. tired. So instead of letting myself wallow on the couch and/or nap all day (which was admittedly my first instinct once I sat down on the couch at 9 am), I decided that I needed to be productive. 

This meant I had to accomplish the following things: 

  • Laundry
  • Errands
  • Job Applications

That’s right. Chores. 

So, by 9:30 the laundry was in the dryer and I got the job search underway. I decided that instead of applying to one at a time, I’d pull a bunch down and systematically put together application packages as I went. By grouping each job posting by type (full time, part time, law clerk, associate, etc.) I was able to churn out cover letters more quickly. Also, I further separated the work load by “internet application” and “hard copy.”

It turns out I actually really like putting together hard copy applications. I find this weird because as a member of the internet generation, this is the first time in my life that I have wanted to send a physical letter to the employer. Because if I send a letter someone has to open it. That doesn’t mean that anyone will read it, but at least I know that its presence was acknowledged – even if it was only by a lowly mail clerk. It turns out that the ease and convenience of electronic applications just means you’re one of 100+ in someone’s inbox. It gives new meaning to finding a way to “get off the stack” and in front of someone, indeed. 

In the end I’ve gotten through about 9 applications today, and I’m going to call it a win. Now it’s time to braise my london broil. And hope that I don’t burn it.


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