Employment Status

8/9/13 – Slow going over the past few months
7/29/13 – Sitting for the bar exam.
6/6/13 – Back on the bandwagon, baby. First application sent out today.
5/30/13 – Sad rejection from unpaid fellowship(s)
5/23/13 – And then bar study started.
5/19/13 – And then I graduated. I have a JD now.
5/11/13 – And then I realized a life dream and began working at a yarn shop.
5/7/13 – Shipped off my bar application. I have even less money now.
5/5/13 – Finals. Yes, those things.
5/1/13 – Procured interview for unpaid “real” job.
4/28/13 – Procured new part-time job.
4/20/13 – Getting crap from friends about proactively job hunting. Must be doing something right.
4/13/13 – Feel the rhythm! Feel the rhyme! Get on up, it’s job-hunt time!
4/9/13 – Reminded by a recommender that I haven’t gotten so much as a call from that potential employer. What is it about being told not to “give up hope” that makes you feel so desolate?
4/3/13 – Diversifying my search efforts ( and trying not to fail out of [not-Georgetown] )
4/1/13 – Yet another rejection letter in the mail
3/27/13 – Underemployed and Frantically Looking

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