About Missing, Presumed Unemployed


Productive Monday?

I had originally intended today to be a sort of 1 day mini-break complete with a day-trip to northern Maryland to visit family. But when I woke up this morning I was just too. damn. tired. So instead of letting myself wallow on the couch and/or nap all day (which was admittedly my first instinct once I sat down on the couch at 9 am), I decided that I needed to be productive. 

This meant I had to accomplish the following things: 

  • Laundry
  • Errands
  • Job Applications

That’s right. Chores. 

So, by 9:30 the laundry was in the dryer and I got the job search underway. I decided that instead of applying to one at a time, I’d pull a bunch down and systematically put together application packages as I went. By grouping each job posting by type (full time, part time, law clerk, associate, etc.) I was able to churn out cover letters more quickly. Also, I further separated the work load by “internet application” and “hard copy.”

It turns out I actually really like putting together hard copy applications. I find this weird because as a member of the internet generation, this is the first time in my life that I have wanted to send a physical letter to the employer. Because if I send a letter someone has to open it. That doesn’t mean that anyone will read it, but at least I know that its presence was acknowledged – even if it was only by a lowly mail clerk. It turns out that the ease and convenience of electronic applications just means you’re one of 100+ in someone’s inbox. It gives new meaning to finding a way to “get off the stack” and in front of someone, indeed. 

In the end I’ve gotten through about 9 applications today, and I’m going to call it a win. Now it’s time to braise my london broil. And hope that I don’t burn it.


Lost & Found – Rebooted

Now that I’ve officially sat for the bar, I find myself with a fair bit of time on my hands. But, as my lovely readers know – it’s not “free time.” Unless you translate “free time” to mean “time to search for jobs.” Therefore, I’ve gotten back on the horse. Below are this week’s finds:


Entry Level (0-1)

Junior (1-3) 

Mid (3-5)

Senior (5-10) 

Partner (10+)



The Fellowships That Weren’t

So, I’m a bit bummed. I applied to and interviewed for 2 (unpaid) fellowships with an executive branch agency. I REALLY wanted them for the following reasons: (1) the agency they were with, (2) solid work experience, (3) the possibility of obtaining funding through my school, and (4) the max 35 h/week schedule that would allow for looking for full-time employment.

I thought the interviews went well, but then the usual thing happened: I heard nothing. And then more nothing. I followed up: no reply. (Which, for the record, is never a good sign). I followed up again. Instead of my contact emailing me back, a secretary sent me a generic rejection email.

Now, while it’s a bummer to not get something – I think that the way my contact handled the follow-up made the situation that much more sucky. It’s bad enough to be rejected – but to not even have the decency to follow-up with me yourself? It just made me sad.

The unfortunate side effect of being so excited for these fellowships is that I sort of put my job hunting on hold, probably putting too many eggs into those particular baskets. Now I have to get underway again ASAP because trying to do anything during bar study besides bar study is challenging at best. And, as you all know, looking for a job is a full-time job in and of itself.

But, I’m back in the saddle. Here’s to not having to declare bankruptcy come September.

Dear God.

My “hiatus” lasted longer than a month. That was truly unintentional.

But then one final turned into another final turned into a paper. And then that turned into graduation and moving (I truly loathe moving). And then that magically transformed into bar study.

The problem though, is in addition to not posting I’ve also been slacking on the job hunting front. Which means I’ve been slacking on the job application front.

CLEARLY I need to get back on that bandwagon. And how.

Lost & Found (Afternoon Edition)


Entry Level (0-1):

Junior (1-3):

Mid Level (3-5):

Senior (5+):

Partner (7-10+):


JD Preferred:

Lost & Found

Sunday Spoils:


Entry Level (0-1):

Junior (1-3):

Mid (3-5):

Senior (5+):

Partner (7-10+):


JD Preferred:

Lost & Found



Entry Level (0-1):

Junior (1-3):

Mid Level (3-5):

Senior (5+):


JD Preferred:

When Witness Protection Begins to Look Like an Attractive Career Alternative

I have a friend who recently told me about a dream she had. She was running from the mob because she stopped some sort of trademark infringement. The upshot of this public service was that the US government paid her $40K. The downside was obviously being shot at. But, in her dream she didn’t actually get shot – which she felt was worth $40K. However, if she were to be continually hunted by the mob she wasn’t sure $40K would cover being put in witness protection.

Then we thought about this for a second and had a jinx-moment where we both said “except in witness protection they arrange for you to have a job”

….An arranged job?

I should probably figure out how to do that immediately This may be the best thing since arranged marriages.

Think Tanks – a JD Preferred Alternative

When job hunting we all think of the usual suspects: firms and the government. Occasionally someone remembers something about non-profits. What we all tend to forget about is think tanks.

These policy institutes employ lawyers. Sometimes they even let them practice law. Yes, that’s right, there’s more than just “JD Preferred” out there.

A list for your perusal:

Happy job hunting, friends.
