Unemployment, Revisited

In less than 60 days, I graduate from [not Georgetown Law]. Bar study class starts the morning after. I have not (yet) acquired post-graduation employment, gainful or otherwise.  The fact that I haven’t collapsed from a panic attack is a small miracle, but I suppose the (seemingly) never ending job search keeps me going. That and the ever-present cup of coffee in my hand. To be fair, sometimes it’s herbal tea.

For the second time in my relatively short adult life, I’m about to graduate into a shaky economy with few full time employment prospects. It’s daunting, but familiar. So, I’m doing what I do best – diffusing stress with the occasional bit of dark humor, a stab at creative writing, and spending all my spare time alternating frantically applying to jobs with staring into my laptop screen like a zombie as streaming video auto-plays.

I’m pretty sure my post-bar employment plans consist of gathering as many cardboard boxes as I can and making a box fort on the national mall. I have a few law school cohorts who might join me, which would be awesome because it means I wouldn’t have to collect quite so many boxes on my own. I’ve always been a fan of pooling resources whenever possible. I would make a very bad contestant on survivor because my desire to win would constantly be at war with my desire to make logical choices that not only benefit me, but the person sleeping on the tropical beach next to me. It really is too bad that DC has a northern climate, as that’s less than optimal for a box fort. I suppose we could work on various DIY water-proofing and insulation tactics. Then we can have our very own tent city. We might even hang our very own shingle and start a cardboard legal clinic – like Lucy in Peanuts. Once we get our bar passage results, we’ll have a wide variety of jurisdictions represented. Good thing the new law school building is supposed to have showers – it really should have a gym, though. Wouldn’t want to get out of shape.

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